We are a 100% volunteer and self-employed organization and as such we are thankful for our ministry partners to make things happen!
Our staff raises their own support so you can be assured that your donations go directly to where you designate them to go.
Child Life Sponsorships help to provide for the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs in our program.
In addition, our School Sponsorships provide everything that a child needs for a full year of school including books, school uniforms, supplies and transportation.
As a global organization involved in trauma support and psycho-social care following natural disasters, we are acutely aware of the growing need for trafficking awareness and prevention, both within the disaster community, as well as on the ground after a natural or man-made disaster.
Through trauma competency education, orphanage caregivers, foster parents, teachers, social workers, pastors and other adult caregivers, are able to provide skilled trauma support to hurting children.
Requests for trauma competency have been pouring in from all over the world!
We are completely dependent and indebted to our ministry partners who offer prayer and / or financial support. With the increasing demand for trauma care, Chaplain Jamie and David Grubb, are actively seeking committed financial partners to share the love of God through trauma support, education, and humanitarian aid full time.
One of our favorite programs is our feeding initiative. One of the criticisms of sponsorships is that they help one poor child above another, often raising one child out of poverty while leaving behind a peer. Our feeding initiatives address every child during special events. It is from these initiatives, that together with our health workers, we can identify those with the most immediate needs.