Trafficking Prevention


Roughly 1.2 million children are trafficked every year, and this number doesn’t include the approximately 20.9 million souls who have already been enslaved.

Children separated from parental care are particularly vulnerable to becoming sexually exploited and trafficked. Poverty, a lack of trafficking awareness and education, children aging out of orphanages, as well as natural disasters and wars, all contribute to the risk of children becoming victims of slavery.

As an organization dedicated to trauma prevention and intervention, with a history of responding to natural disasters, we have become acutely aware of the need for trafficking prevention and awareness as part of our training and education curriculum in disaster zones, as well as to the caregivers of orphaned and vulnerable children.

Parents and other caregivers are often unaware of the dangers, when offers of education and a better life are dangled in front of them by locals, foreigners, aid workers, military, officials, and other potential traffickers.

  • Sometimes the orphanage workers themselves are involved in trafficking.
  • Separated from their caregivers and community support, the chaos of natural disasters provide fertile ground for trafficking networks.
  • Humanitarian aid workers have been proven to be involved in human trafficking.
  • Displaced and unidentified children fall prey to corruption.

To this end, we have made a commitment to fight against children being taken captive to sexual exploitation and trafficking, by providing trafficking prevention and education for those involved in natural disasters, as well as to the caregivers of orphaned, and vulnerable children.


Trafficking Prevention

Trafficking Commitment

We have a 4 fold commitment to trafficking prevention.

  1. Awareness: Make the world aware that human trafficking exists and mobilize people to stop it.
  2. Strengthening Prevention: By educating the groups vulnerable to trafficking and minimizing the causes of trafficking for orphaned and vulnerable children, and children in crisis/ disaster situations.
  3. Partnerships: To develop networks that build up the prevention of vulnerable populations being trafficked.
  4. Resources: To recruit partners and resources for the funding and sustainability of trafficking prevention for orphaned and vulnerable children.

Donate here to help aid in trafficking prevention to orphaned and vulnerable children, and to provide a rapid response to natural disasters.

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